Water Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Acid-Alkaline Balance
Water Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Acid-Alkaline Balance
How to regulate your body's acidity and alkalinity with water: Expert Advice
Recently, acid-alkaline imbalance has been a hot topic in health circles. We should try to get the experts' opinions on how to fix this imbalance straightened out.
The issue
Maintaining a pH that is just right for your body is ideal. Diet, alcohol, and stress (mental and environmental) have made nearly everyone acidic. The accumulation of acids in the body's systems might throw off its pH balance.
The impacts
Cholesterol, kidney stones, urates, phosphates, sulfates, arterial plaque, and gallstones are all forms of acid waste that accumulate in the body, says Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky. An early ageing process and the development of chronic diseases are directly caused by these acidic waste products.
Minerals including potassium, calcium, and magnesium are drawn out of bones and organs to bring the body's pH back to its ideal level when this happens. Also, your immune system could get tired from fighting off too much acid. As an alternative to releasing the acids into the bloodstream, your body finds "hiding places" to retain them, including muscles.
Noted author, nutritionist, and health expert Dr. Robert Atkins says, "Just about every condition I can think of, from arthritis to diabetes to cancer, is associated with acidity."
"The innumerable names of diseases are meaningless. Everything boils down to the same thing: an excess of acid waste from tissues in the body. Author: Theodore A. Baroody, ND, Ph.D.
Do you know what to do?
Extensive study has shown that there are easy things you can do to aid the body in neutralizing blood acids and keeping the pH balanced, like:
Get moving.
Stay away from food and drinks that are known to be acidic.
Consuming appropriate water
What constitutes "right" water?
"People who have never had a serious health problem, like cancer, tend to drink alkaline water," according to research conducted on a global scale. Waters with a pH of 9.0 to 10.0 were determined to be their drinking water after all possible dangers had been eliminated. Leonard Horowitz, MD, in "Aids and Ebola"
The Japanese were the first to take note of the health benefits of alkaline ionized water after studying the effects on humans of drinking water from specific rapid rocky mountain streams. Surprisingly, the structure and electrical properties of this naturally occurring water were different, and it was also alkaline. Prof. Larry Clapp's "Prostate Health in 90 Days"
Homemade alkaline water can be made using a compact kitchen gadget known as a water ionizer, which has a long history of usage in Korea and Japan. A growing number of medical practitioners in North America have had the chance to assess the efficacy of water ionizers on their patients:
According to Sue Pollock, N.D., "assisting the body in being more alkaline with...drinking alkaline water" is something we can do.
"I believe that the best water is water that is alkaline (reduced) and purified using a small device known as a water ionizer." This is Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky.
"It is my opinion that ionized water will change the way in which all health practitioners and the public approach their health in the coming years." Character Dr. T. Baroody from "Alkalize or Die."
A little dietary adjustment wouldn't hurt, would it?
Researcher and author Sang Whang of "Reverse Aging" warns that we run the risk of missing out on vital nutrients if we do this:
The acidic nature of the waste materials we are attempting to release makes alkaline water the most appropriate medium for their discharge.In my opinion, it is best to eat what makes us happy without restricting or overeating anything. Consume moderate amounts of food in accordance with the "balanced diet" recommendation of registered dietitians, and allow alkaline water to neutralize acidic waste.
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