Various Disorders of Anxiety

 Various Disorders of Anxiety

When confronted with uncertain or potentially harmful circumstances, anxiety often sets in. It is also experienced when one feels threatened from the outside. On the other hand, an anxiety disorder might develop from persistent and unreasonable fears. Anxiety disorders can be classified according to the factors that set them off.

Disorders of anxiety widely encountered

Anxiety disorders affecting the whole body

Those who suffer from this anxiety disease frequently find themselves gripped by unfounded, persistent worry. To be more precise, those who suffer from GAD are unable to explain why they are so anxious. Women are more likely to have this form of anxiety, which often persists for six months. People who suffer from GAD worry and stress out all the time since their anxiety is persistent. Symptoms like vertigo, headaches, heart palpitations, and insomnia could develop as a result.

Particular fear

People with specific phobias, in contrast to those with generalized anxiety disorder, suffer from an excessive and frequently unjustified fear of a particular thing or circumstance. A person with a specific phobia will show symptoms of extreme dread, such as trembling, fainting, racing heart, and nausea, when confronted with their feared object or situation. A few examples of common particular phobias are aversions to heights, small places, blood, and animals. A person suffering from a phobia may experience such intense anxiety that they may put their safety at risk in order to flee from the terrifying circumstance.

Anxiety disorders

Recurring, unanticipated panic attacks are a hallmark of panic disorders, which are also called agoraphobia. Typical symptoms include trembling, chest discomfort, vertigo, anxiety about losing control, and aversion to being alone. Those who suffer from panic disorder are cognizant of the fact that their attacks are frequently irrational and unwarranted. Because of this, they stay away from crowds and prefer to be alone. Some people experience so intense panic attacks that they lose control and injure themselves.

Fear of interacting with others

When a person experiences extreme anxiety in social settings, they may display symptoms comparable to those of panic disorder, which is another name for social phobia. For those who suffer from social anxiety, being in the middle of attention or around a large group of people—strangers included—can trigger physical symptoms such as trembling, lightheadedness, difficulty breathing, and even heart palpitations.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Concern about something that won't go away is the root cause of OCD symptoms in people who suffer from it. In order to keep their worry at bay, they often find themselves engaging in ritualistic activities. Someone who has a severe clean-obsession, for instance, could freak out at the sight of a vase that's slightly off-center. Without rhyme or reason, he or she will clean and arrange everything in an effort to stave off anxiousness.


Someone who has been through a stressful event may develop post-traumatic stress disorder. He or she may suffer from anxious thoughts and tension brought on by mentally reliving the event. Reliving the terrible event through uncontrollable crying, panic attacks, or losing control can happen if a person with PTSD encounters stimuli, which can be anything from people to objects. Insomnia and avoidant conduct are symptoms that are less noticeable. PTSD symptoms might appear soon after the stressful incident or years later.

It is essential to identify the specific type of anxiety illness in order to seek therapy and achieve recovery. Symptom control and the development of responses to potential triggers are two main goals of treatment programs for certain forms of anxiety. Treatment and rehabilitation from anxiety disorders can only begin after a complete diagnosis.

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